End Of Life Care


The decision to euthanize a pet is never easy. Sometimes a pet has more pain than can be managed medically or requires more care than a family can provide. Other times, the animal’s condition may be such that you don’t want to subject him or her to extreme treatments or measures. We help you make the most compassionate choice for your pet, as well as what is best for you and your family. Euthanasia may be the correct choice.

We understand your relationship with your special pet. It is our place to evaluate your pet’s condition, explain treatment options, risks, and the potential for recovery. We help you fully understand your pet’s condition while you make your decision.

How Euthanasia Works

Euthanasia is painless and stress-free for the patient. The veterinarian may administer a tranquilizer to relax your pet, if needed. Once the euthanasia drug is injected, your pet quickly becomes unconscious as brain function ceases. Some patients may move, release bodily fluids, or sigh after the drug is given, but these are only reflexes. Your pet experiences no pain.

You are invited to participate in any way that is comfortable for you: hold your pet throughout the process, stand by with a comforting touch or words, or wait in the lobby after saying your goodbye. You may even spend a few minutes with your deceased pet afterwards, if you choose.

We are prepared to advise you about your options for burial or cremation, as well. Contact our clinic with any questions about our end-of-life care and services.